<img alt="" src="https://secure.intelligentdatawisdom.com/784204.png?trk_user=784204&amp;trk_tit=jsdisabled&amp;trk_ref=jsdisabled&amp;trk_loc=jsdisabled" height="0px" width="0px" style="display:none;">

    High Performance Hydrogen Flame Detection

    Designed for hazardous industries where fast hydrogen flame detection is critical and nuisance alarms are not an option. This detector comes with a huge detection range without sacrificing an inch of accuracy.

    Excels in Harsh Conditions

    Never worry about putting your system to the test. Engineered to endure extreme weather conditions, the FDS303H remains reliable through snow, ice, and condensation.

    Long Distance Detection

    Cover every inch of your operation, with fewer units needed than ever before. This detectors cutting edge IR-sensor has been independently tested to demonstrate it can detect a hydrogen plume fire at a record high 40m (131 ft) in 5 seconds.

    Self-Monitoring Technology

    Maintenance prediction and early warnings take the guesswork out of the equation. The sensor accomplishes this by automatically measuring dirt on the lens with IR technology, which is immune to sensor poisoning. This preventive technique also eliminates the risk of measuring drift.


    The MICROPACK FDS303 is an explosion proof
    multi spectrum IR flame detector. The device
    delivers superior performance, responding to
    hydrocarbon liquid fuel and gas fires at long

    The FDS303 complements the CD-F-301 and
    CD-F-300 Visual Flame Detectors by delivering
    superior performance in the detection of
    hydrocarbon fires which are not detectable in the
    visible spectrum. The FDS303 utilizes the latest IR
    flame detection algorithms to ensure maximum
    false alarm immunity.