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The Fastest Detector in the World

When lives are at stake every second counts. So why not play it safe and get the quickest response time in the world? Add that to the built-in condition monitoring and long maintenance intervals, and you can always count on the PG-11 to deliver on its promises – accurately measuring methane, propane and carbon dioxide.

Self-monitoring technology

Maintenance prediction and early warnings take the guesswork out of the equation. The sensor accomplishes this by automatically measuring dirt on the lens with IR technology, which is immune to sensor poisoning. This preventive technique also eliminates the risk of measuring drift.

Built for harsh conditions

Extreme temperatures and vibrations pose little threat to this detector as its arctic and desert variants can handle down to -60 or up to +75°C respectively while managing up to 4G of force. This makes it ideal for oil rigs, mining operations, and other highly demanding workplaces.

More than just detection

Our detectors constantly read the room and feed you information. This allows us to create intelligent digital solutions that give you total control over your safety. Together with our modular system, you can also retrofit any unit without disrupting the loop.


Consilium PG11 is an explosion-proof rugged point gas detector developed for detection of flammable gases and carbon dioxide in harsh environments. Built-in condition monitoring reduces unplanned stops and unnecessary downtime. The use of Optical Solid State Infra sensor technology means there is no need for oxygen to be present to detect an explosive gas, meaning this detector can also be used in fully inert (0% O₂) environments.

This sensor technology does not require a diffusion barrier (sinter) which makes it very suitable for applications with a high risk of pollution such as airducts (incl. airflows), etc. Also it makes this detector suitable for extremely corrosive environments, for example when there is a presence of Sulphide and Chlorine. The PG11 gas detector is a high-end world class gas detector with an innovative design and a game changer for digitalization, modular design and realizing tomorrow's standards. Available as point-, probe- and duct gas detector.