<img alt="" src="https://secure.intelligentdatawisdom.com/784204.png?trk_user=784204&amp;trk_tit=jsdisabled&amp;trk_ref=jsdisabled&amp;trk_loc=jsdisabled" height="0px" width="0px" style="display:none;">

The probe is pulsed with DC voltage to prevent potential electroplating. An LED indicates energization status. Choose from two adjustable sensitivity ranges based on fluid. Mounting requires an industry standard 8 pin octal socket. Choose from Single Probe or Dual Probe configurations.

Macromatic-liquid level

Single Probe

On single probe models a fixed time delay prevents rapid cycling of the output relay and its load. Ten factory settings ranging from 1 to 60 seconds.

Macromatic-liquid level

Dual Probe

Dual probe models are available with specific pin configurations to match competitive devices.

finance (12 × 4 in)-1