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Seal Leakage Relays monitor the shaft seals of submersible pumps to protect against damage and premature failure. Combination Over Temperature & Seal Leakage Relays provide protection from both conditions. Everything needed for easy set-up, operation and troubleshooting is on top of the units: Bi-color LED status indication and low-profile adjustments.

Models are available with plug-in enclosures (SFP and TCP Series) or Flange Mounted (SFF and TCF Series) for mounting on inner door with a back-mounted socket.

macromatic-seal leakage

Seal Leakage Replays

Seal Leakage Relays monitor pumps using Resistance Sensing Leakage Detection to provide a warning of leaking seals. Select from single channel or dual channel configurations to monitor two pumps. Two sensitivity ranges are available to meet requirements.

macromatic-over temperature

Over Temperature & Seal Leakage Relays

These single channel relays protect pumps against damage from both conditions. TCF-A models can be installed in place of existing Flygt MiniCas; TCF-E works with pumps using float-type sensors; TCF-F works with pumps using CLS or FLS sensors.

finance (12 × 4 in)-1