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ZEECO flare systems are regarded worldwide as the most reliable engineered combustion systems in operation today. Our flare technologies are used for operational and safety applications in industrial plants such as petroleum refineries, chemical plants, and natural gas processing facilities as well as onshore and offshore oil and gas extraction sites.

Zeeco-unassisted flare systems


Zeeco's non-assisted flares and utility flares are used in applications that don't require smokeless operation, or where smokeless operation can be achieved without the assistance of external steam, air or pressure.

Zeeco-smokeless flare system


Zeeco offers both single-point and multi-point gas-assisted flares for smokeless burning of low- pressure, heavy hydrocarbons. Our patented designs deliver stable burning, high-destruction efficiency and low radiation levels wherever steam or air is unavailable.



Zeeco offers a comprehensive range of multi-point and enclosed ground flares for applications where at-grade levels achieve higher combustion efficiency for fully smokeless performance, or where government compliance requires flame concealment.

zeeco-zero routine flaring

Routine Flaring

Flares are a necessary safety system in processing facilities across many industries. Although the need for flaring systems isn’t likely to be eliminated, Zeeco continues to bring innovative solutions to the market to reduce the impact of continuous flaring worldwide.

zeeco-vapor control

Vapor Control

Flare Gas Recovery (FGR) is the process of recovering the waste gases that would normally be flared, so they can be used as fuel gas elsewhere in the facility. This results in reduced emissions and cost savings.


Flare Structures

Guyed ---- Guyed Derrick ---- Derrick  ---- Demountable ---- Derrick ---- Self-Supported