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Wherever liquids are loaded into trucks, ships, or rail cars, a vapor stream, laden with Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), is generated and must be controlled to prevent it from escaping into the atmosphere and creating both harmful emissions and lost product.

There are two primary methods for controlling these vapors, burning them in a vapor combustor unit (VCU) or recovering them in an activated carbon vapor recovery unit (VRU). Typically, a VCU requires less capital and can achieve very high VOC destruction efficiencies, but it will also generate other emissions, such as NOx, CO, and CO2. A VRU, on the other hand, requires more capital, can achieve similar equivalent VOC destruction efficiencies, but does NOT generate any other emissions and will recover approximately one to two gallons of product for every 1,000 gallons of product loaded. It is one of the few vapor control technologies with a payback.

Zeeco offers the industry's most advanced vapor recovery units (VRUs) that are tailored to meet your precise needs, which ensures maximum recovery of hydrocarbon vapors. We custom engineer our VRU’s for crude oil and refined products, at any flow rate and ambient conditions.

Standard systems for crude and refined products, including:

  • Marine loading terminals

  • Truck loading terminals

  • Railcar loading

  • Storage terminals

Key Features include:

  • State-of-the-art dry screw vacuum pumps

  • Modular design, which minimizes footprint

  • Simple operation

  • Low operating costs