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Zeeco helps customers around the world meet their global emissions standards with a range of engineered vapor control systems - including flare gas recovery systems (FGR), carbon bed and mechanical vapor recovery units (VRU), and vapor combustion systems - designed for maximum performance and reliable operation. 

zeeco-flare recovery

Flare Gas Recovery

Flare Gas Recovery (FGR) is the process of recovering the waste gases that would normally be flared, so they can be used as fuel gas elsewhere in the facility. This results in reduced emissions and cost savings.

zeeco-vapor recovery

Vapor Recovery

Wherever liquids are loaded into trucks, ships, or rail cars, a vapor stream, laden with Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), is generated and must be controlled to prevent it from escaping into the atmosphere and creating both harmful emissions and lost product.

zeeco- vapor combustors

Vapor Combustors

eeco's fully automated Vapor Combustor Units (VCU) are primarily used to control the VOC laden vapors generated during the loading of crude oil and refined petroleum products into trucks, railcars and marine vessels. Zeeco's vapor combustors are fully enclosed, have automated temperature control, and can achieve VOC destruction efficiencies of up to 99.9%

Zeeco-biogas and landfill flares

Biogas & Landfill Flares

Biogas flare systems are used to dispose of gases that are produced from decomposition of organic matter or biomass. Typical examples are gases produced from landfills, wastewater treatment (anaerobic digesters), or other biomass sources.